Infertility is one of the most difficult things that a couple can face in their lifetime together. It often occurs leaving them unable to conceive even in the midst of having unprotected sex. According to research, up to one in every six will face several issues when it comes to conceiving. However, diagnosing the issue will only happen if they visit a medical practitioner.

This diagnosis only comes after one year of not being able to conceive even though they were trying. Have you ever wondered what is the main cause of infertility? To put it simply, there are several factors that cause infertility. Read on as we dive into the causes of infertility.

Infertility can be quite different for each person dealing with it. However, some of the main causes are as follows:

  • The age of a woman
  • The sperm from a man
  • Disorders in the ovulation cycle of a woman
  • Tubal diseases that lead to permanent damages in the fallopian tubes
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine abnormalities or anatomical factors that include fibroids
  • Additional factors such as the antibody to sperm ratio
  • Female and male factors can combine making it even harder

With that said, just one problem can trigger different issues leading to infertility. As such, both female and male factors contribute heavily to this. However, this tends to occur either in combination or even in isolation. Hence, treatment and proper diagnosis should be discussed before moving on.

Additionally, when a woman experiences repeated miscarriages, this can contribute to the issue at hand. However, it should be noted that even if someone has suffered from repeated miscarriages, it doesn’t mean that they will have problems if they decide to conceive. With that said, it is often quite distressing for a couple to be faced with this issue.

When you or your loved ones visit miscarriage clinics, they can get the help that they need. In most instances, doctors launch investigations into the issues to help them with future pregnancies. Besides those mentioned, there are still some other factors that are responsible for infertility occurring. These are as follows:

  • Genetic issues with the sperm, egg, or in some instances both
  • Abnormal uterine cavity. Sometimes the presence of polyps or fibroids make it even harder
  • Immunological infertility can also occur. This is when either partner produces antibodies that prevent implantation
  • Abnormalities in the cervical muscles that prevent sperm from being able to travel

As we conclude, we have just looked at the causes of infertility. If you or your loved ones are having problems conceiving, it’s a good idea to visit a doctor. In most instances, doctors can provide positive solutions!

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